Rumour Mill: Strachan | Hartson | Law | Mann

Scotland manager, Gordon Strachan. Picture: Lisa FergusonScotland manager, Gordon Strachan. Picture: Lisa Ferguson
Scotland manager, Gordon Strachan. Picture: Lisa Ferguson
SCOTLAND’S Gordon Strachan has vowed to show the same respect to Gibraltar as Germany while John Hartson has compared Scotland’s European opponents as nothing more than a pub team; Gordon Greer has been getting insider knowledge on the Gibraltar team; Jim Mann is on a mission to reignite the passion at Rugby Park; Nicky Law says Rangers will have the last laugh after Hearts’ title success

Giving Gibraltar the same respect as the Germans

Scotland boss Gordon Strachan has said that the team will be showing Gibraltar the same level of respect as they did to reigning European champions Germany.

Strachan has also warned the Scotland team not to expect too many goals despite Gibraltar’s current form and the expectation from the Tartan Army of alandslide victory at Hampden Park.

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Scotland manager, Gordon Strachan. Picture: Lisa FergusonScotland manager, Gordon Strachan. Picture: Lisa Ferguson
Scotland manager, Gordon Strachan. Picture: Lisa Ferguson

Gibraltar have conceded 21 goals in their last four matches and are yet to score or pick up points. (Daily Record)

Hartson: “Gibraltar are a pub team”

John Hartson has branded Gibraltar as worse than a pub team ahead of Scotland’s Group D tie at Hampden Park, insisting Scotland will “thrash the Sunday League team.”

He said: “Gibraltar is a holiday spot, a boat trip when you are in Marbella.”

He continued, comparing the Gibraltar side as lads having a kickabout in the park. “Does this sound disrespectful? Am I not giving them the credit they’re due? Well I’m sorry if it sounds that way but that’s how I feel about tomorrow’s Euro Championship qualifier,” he said. (The Sun)

Gordon Greer in the know

Gordon Greer has revealed that he has been given the inside track on opponents Gibraltar thanks to a Gibraltarian analyst at his Brighton club.

While the rest of Strachan’s squad have been given a crash course on their relatively unknown side, Greer insists he’s been primed by Jansen Moreno, a native of the Mediterranean territory.

Greer said: “It is not as much as the Scotland manager knows but he has been speaking to me about it. He is always talking about Gibraltar and he has a few friends who play for the team as well.” (The Herald)

No one hated more than Rangers

Rangers star Nicky Law believes Rangers are soon to be back in the top-flight where they belong - despite being the most hated club in Scotland.

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Several Hearts supporters celebrated their title win in Gorgie in Edinburgh chanting “F*** you Rangers, the Hearts have won the league.”

While he has congratulated the club on their well-earned success, he has warned that Rangers will have the last laugh. (Daily Record)

The right man for the job

Jim Mann has vowed to heal the rift between Kilmarnock supporters and the club after haviing swept to power at Rugby Park.

The new chairman, who succeeded unpopular predecessor Michael Johnston at Thursday’s agm, insists he can win back the hearts and minds of the fans.

He said: “If the income is subdued because they don’t like us any more we have to deal with that problem.”

“I would love to get the club back to being as loved as it was when I was a kid living in Kilmarnock in the late 1960s and early 70s. I wan to make Rugby Park a passionate place again.” (Daily Record)


• Paul Murray admits Rangers he is in the dark about whether Mike Ashley will appoint two new figures to the board.(Scottish Daily Mail)

• Stuart McCall says there’s no reason why Rangers should not be going for a European spot next season. (Scottish Daily Mail)

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• Paul Murray has firmed closed the door to a return to Ibrox for Charles Green. (Daily Express)

• Terry Butcher has turned down a job offer to be Gibraltar manager (Daily Express)