Alfredo Morelos' weight and condition discussed by Rangers boss Michael Beale - 'he divides opinion, he always has'

Alfredo Morelos' condition at Rangers has been the topic of much debate.Alfredo Morelos' condition at Rangers has been the topic of much debate.
Alfredo Morelos' condition at Rangers has been the topic of much debate.
It is doubtful the weight of any footballer in the Scottish game across recent times has been the subject of so much discussion, vexation, memeing and mockery as is currently the case with Rangers striker Alfredo Morelos.

In short, the never-svelte Colombian has endured a pile on for piling on the pounds. Or at least having seemed to do so … his sizeable girth even leading to an apparent derogatory remark from Celtic’s Greg Taylor in the heat of the ancient adversaries’ derby duelling on Monday. His Ibrox manager Michael Beale has a beef with those claiming Morelos has become all too big, though. The contention, he maintains, runs contrary to the facts. Or, if you prefer, the fat.

“The boys are weighed regularly and their body fats done,” Beale said. “In February 2021 the team was in a vibrant place where we were about to win the league. I asked what the body fats were then and what they are now. Alfredo is a bit better than he was then. It is how you perceive it. I hate to think what people would think of me when they see me in casual clothes. I think Alfredo has always been that way. He is no bigger than he was before, so if back then he was a good player, but the opinion is he isn’t a good player now, then this opinion should be on his football. In those terms he is the exact same weight as he was when we won 55. There are certain players here who you could say are model pros, but they are slightly out of line from before. You would never be able to guess them, and I’m not going to give their names up, but I was surprised.”

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To the Rangers manager now six weeks in post, Morelos isn’t slacking in his conditioning as he enters the final months of his contract. On the contrary, he is a player who deserves to be cut slack over any undulating form for dragging himself on to the pitch whatever the condition of his muscles and limbs because of his team’s need. And while not buff, the 26-year-old has produced dogged contributions without much evidence of his previous propensity for appearing in the huff.

“With Alfredo, he divides opinion, he always has,” said Beale, well versed in the forward’s ways from his three-and-a-half years as first-team coach under Steven Gerrard at Ibrox from 2018 to 2021. “At this moment, when I have only had one No 9 he has played when he is hurt. He has scored goals, and against Celtic he lost the battle in the first half but won it in the second and it brought us up the pitch. Alfredo had a long injury off the back of last season. My time with him has been longer than anyone else. I actually see a boy who has matured since becoming a dad. He is happy to be here, he plays when he is hurt and he doesn’t like to go in to see the physio as he likes to play. He had a dead leg before a game and no one else would play, but he did.

“He had a slight issue with his hamstring against Aberdeen the other week, so we rested him against Ross County just before Christmas. The bruising that came out means a lot of players wouldn’t have played against Celtic, but he wanted to play and he gave us what he could. If I think he is cheating I would say it to him. Right now he isn’t cheating anyone and I have seen him in a lot worse places in terms of his form. Wherever he wants to go, whether it is here or somewhere else, he has to perform. A footballer’s life is quite simple, you have to live well, train and play well. The alternatives aren’t great for anyone. So far anyone who is out of contract they are right in and the performances have shown that.”