RBS FSA report: Bank was warned about Fred Goodwin ‘8 years ago’

CONCERNS over Sir Fred Goodwin’s “assertive and robust” management style were flagged up as a potential risk to Royal Bank of Scotland as early as 2003, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has revealed.

In a damning report on the bank’s downfall, the FSA said the former chief executive had aggressively expanded the institution over his eight-year tenure – culminating in the disastrous acquisition of ABN Amro in 2007.

It found RBS had been brought to its knees by “multiple poor decisions” and its £50 billion “gamble” on buying the Dutch bank.

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The directors – led by Sir Fred and former chairman Sir Tom McKillop – relied for their due diligence during the disastrous takeover on two ring-binder folders and a CD.

The report also highlighted the strained relationship between the watchdog and Sir Fred before 2005, in particular over RBS’s reluctance to allow its non-executive directors to meet the FSA on an individual one-to-one basis. “FSA supervisory records from 2004 suggest that RBS management, and in particular the RBS chief executive, had been resistant to what they saw as unnecessary FSA interference,” the watchdog said. This eventually led to “clear the air” talks between the authority and Sir Fred in October 2004.

Sir Fred could be among those disqualified from acting as a director following the FSA report. Business Secretary Vince Cable has asked government lawyers to investigate what course of action is open to him.

FSA chairman Lord Turner said a debate was now needed with a view to changing the rules to make bankers more accountable and making sure the right balance is struck between risk and return.

He suggested a “strict liability” approach, making it more likely that a failure such as RBS’s would be followed by “successful enforcement actions”, including fines and bans. Senior executives and directors of failed banks could be banned automatically from future positions of responsibility, or a significant part of their pay could be deferred or lost in the event of failure.

Lord Turner added: “By one means or another, there is a strong argument for new rules which ensure that bank executives and boards place greater weight on avoiding failure.”

Asked whether it was fair that Sir Fred had “got away” with his knighthood and £340,000-plus pension following RBS’s £47bn taxpayer bailout, Lord Turner said: “No, I don’t.”

He said the public “have a right to be absolutely furious” about the excessive risk-taking by some banks.

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RBS – which is now 83 per cent owned by the UK government – has cut 27,500 jobs since the beginning of the financial crisis. The taxpayer currently stands to lose about £25bn on its investment.

Current RBS chairman Sir Philip Hampton said yesterday: “I think the culture of the bank, in terms of risk profiles, the businesses we are ready to do and not ready to do, again has undergone enormous change.

“We are not the finished article, we still need to make further changes, but I think this bank is very different now from what it was three or four years ago.”

The watchdog itself came in for criticism in its own report, over its “light touch” regulation. The regulator admitted it had failed to monitor adequately and challenge RBS, although it largely blamed the previous government for encouraging it to take a hands-off approach.

The FSA conceded its approach was flawed during the fall of RBS and that it had failed to challenge the management of RBS.

It did not put enough resources into managing big banks and was too focused on policing traders. It had only four members of staff supervising RBS at the time of its ABN Amro deal, compared with 23 this year.

This, it claimed, reflected the mood of light-touch regulation that was being extolled by the Labour government, with Gordon Brown as chancellor anxious for the FSA not to damage the City’s competitiveness.

The report reflected badly on shadow chancellor Ed Balls, who in a speech in 2006 said: “Nothing should be done to put at risk a light-touch, risk-based regulatory regime.”

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