Leaders: A deal over EU benefits crackdown is still way off

David Cameron is welcomed by European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker (right) in Brussels. Picture: AFP/Getty ImagesDavid Cameron is welcomed by European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker (right) in Brussels. Picture: AFP/Getty Images
David Cameron is welcomed by European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker (right) in Brussels. Picture: AFP/Getty Images
The stand-off between Britain and the EU over restricting in-work benefits looks set to continue after Brussels talks

Although a winner has yet to emerge from David Cameron’s lengthy tussle with Brussels over his attempts to prevent EU migrants from claiming in-work benefits while in Britain, he made clear yesterday that he is ready to fight as long as necessary to have his way.

As far as the prime minister is concerned, his stance is non-negotiable. He is determined to ensure migrants cannot receive benefits until they have paid into the system. To borrow his phrase, the policy is aimed at ending the idea of “something for nothing”.

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