Budget sketch: Miliband fails to swot on details

THE Budget was such a bitter pill to swallow that George Osborne managed to choke on it. The stream of figures, announcements and aspirational rhetoric ceased to flow as Mr Osborne caught his breath. For a moment, even the Chancellor was speechless.

This was no Ed Balls-style slightly hesitant stammer, the Chancellor had lost his voice completely. As he spluttered and coughed, MPs must have been wondering where he had left it. Perhaps it was lurking in the same place that Mr Osborne had misplaced the UK’s triple-A credit rating.

After a drink of water and what felt like an age, a hoarser version of Mr Osborne’s plummy tones returned – just in time to scrap a fuel duty rise (hurrah), announce a downgraded growth forecast (boo) and unveil a cut in beer duty (glory, alleluia).

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